The Alarm Industry Research & Educational Foundation
"Model States" False Alarm Reduction Program
"Action Plan"Outline
Revised 03/18/98
1. The Mission
The mission of the AIREF Subcommittee on False Alarms "Model States Program" is to assess the data and experiences of the "Model Cities Program" and, through a joint industry effort involving the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association, the Central Station Alarm Association and the Security Industry Association, coordinate activities and efforts within the five "Model States" to substantially reduce the burden of false alarms on the law enforcement community through a cooperative program with the IACP via the State Association of Chiefs of Police in the chosen states.
2. The Objective
To develop a consensus and a working relationship between the alarm industry in the "Model States" and the law enforcement community about the causes of false dispatches and to reduce these dispatches by effectively identifying programs which will reduce false dispatches, applying corrective actions and measuring the progress of the false dispatch reduction program. This would include model ordinances and state licensing laws, community education and a response methodology that includes software aimed at identifying alarm owners and malfunction histories or chronic abusers.
3. The States - Updated 9/3/97
The states selected by IACP for the "Model States Program" are Florida, Missouri, New York, Illinois, and Washington. On August 5, 1997 IACP requested that California be added as a Model State and funding be shifted from New York to provide for a coordinator.
4. Roles of Key Organizations
Alarm Industry Research & Educational Foundation - Joint participation by NBFAA, CSAA, SIA and CANASA(Canadian Association). Sets overall policy/direction for program. Determines budget & operational structure for the project. Oversees distribution of funds. Control/responsibility link between AIREF state coordinators and state associations. Tasked with development of long term plan to expand program to all states.
The role of the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association in general terms shall be to coordinate efforts in the five Model States through the NBFAA Chartered State Associations in each state. The CSA's will be tasked with implementing the Program, training alarm industry leaders in the states as to what specific steps to take to achieve maximum success on false alarm reduction using lessons learned in the Model Cities Program as well as to what measures and proposals to avoid. This will be accomplished through the creation and implementation of a False Alarm Reduction Manual and an Action Plan and Commitment to False Alarm Reduction Excellence. NBFAA will also be sharing these plans and information with any state not in the Model State Program that wishes to proactively pursue false alarm reduction. NBFAA will also implement regional fundraising programs & provide the administrative support to the state coordinator as required.
The role of the Central Station Alarm Association in general terms shall be to develop and fund software for the tracking of false dispatches and to coordinate the usage of such software and reporting procedures. In addition, CSAA may also coordinate efforts of central stations in such areas as verification and cancellation and recommendations on central station operating procedures. CSAA may also serve in an advisory capacity whenever necessary with regard to previous experience with the Model Cities Program and central station/law enforcement cooperation, electronic retransmission, etc.
The role of the Security Industry Association, which is comprised mostly of manufacturers of security equipment, distributors and service providers, in general terms would be to participate and evaluate the results of the Program so that they may make recommendations to manufacturers as to obsolete or faulty equipment, insufficient user training and or any other useful data that would be helpful to manufacturers so that they may provide the best possible products to alarm dealers and the public. SIA is also developing new dealer training courses which will be offered through the National Training School administered by the NBFAA. These courses will have to do with equipment installation, CCTV and access control.
The role of the SACOP Representative in each of the Model States shall be to educate their members in the state as to the purposes of the Program, its importance to the law enforcement community, to provide points of contact in each city where the Program is planned, to help coordinate efforts with the alarm industry, to compile data on false alarms whenever necessary for transmittal to the alarm industry representatives, and to help educate the public wherever possible. A more complete list is attached.
5. Schedule (Revised 3/1/97)
a. Meetings will be held in each designated state that will include the appointed SACOP Chief and alarm industry representative from the state association. The SACOP cordinator will solicit involvement from several cities in each state.
b. Subsequent meetings between January 1, 1997 thru March 1, 1997 will be held to explain criteria for participation and secure final participation commitment. NBFAA, through the Chartered State Associations, would help implement the Program within each state.
c. Program implementation begins as soon as possible with a target of December 1998 for completion. The national coordinator will compile quarterly reports and forward to all interested parties.
6. False Alarm Reduction Software...See Details Beta Test ...AVAILABLE SOON!
7. NBFAA Model Alarm Ordinance
8. Criteria for Participation in the Program
9. Progress Measurement and Evaluation
a. State Coordinators:
The AIREF State Coordinator's principle responsibility is to oversee the collection and analysis of statistical data from the participating municipalities in the State.
Overall statistics will be collected monthly in the format prescribed by the National Coordinator, and will be assembled, analyzed, and forwarded to the National Coordinator not later than the tenth day of the month. State data will be shared with each participating municipality in the States for comparative purposes.
In addition, the State Coordinator will prepare reports for alarm companies, indicating their level of alarm activity in the participating municipalities, providing them a comparative basis for their system's performance against the general industry average for that area. All such reports will be kept strictly confidential, and will not be shared with any other alarm industry entity external to the Model States program.
b. National Coordinator: (Revised 7/1/97)
The National Coordinator is responsible for collecting all required information from the State Coordinators, and providing consolidated quarterly reports, with executive summary, to all interested parties, including IACP PSLC, AIREF and its constituent members, the SACOP and Chartered State Associations in the Model States, and others as may be authorized by AIREF. Quarterly reports are to be completed and issued quarterly after the data collection process begins. A summary executive report showing total year results will be completed the end of each year beginning in 1997.
c. Participating Municipalities:
Participating municipalities are required to identify a Point of Contact for the State Coordinator who will provide the necessary statistical input data.
10. National-State-Local Coordinators (see list)
11. SACOP State Coordinators (see list)
12. Funding - More Information including ADI 1% program
The industry is pursuing funding for the State Coordinators.
13. Video -
Short video stressing importance of the project & request to support funding. To be shown at all major industry events and NBFAA state association meetings. For a free copy contact Doreen Clinton ADI-Dallas at 972-247-5409.
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