transmit a remote or local audible, visual or electronic signal indicating an alarm condition and intended to summon law enforcement service of the municipality, including Local Alarm System. Alarm System does not include an alarm installed on a vehicle or Person unless the vehicle or Personal alarm is permanently located at a site.
(I) Alarm User means any Person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity who (which) uses or is in control of any Alarm System at its Alarm Site.
(J) Alarm User Awareness Class means a class conducted by the municipality or Law Enforcement Agency for the purpose of educating Alarm Users about the problems created by False Alarms and responsible use and operation of Alarm Systems.
(K) Automatic Voice Dialer means any electrical, electronic, mechanical or other device capable of being programmed to send a prerecorded voice message, when activated, over a telephone line, radio or other communication system, to a law enforcement agency.
(L) Cancellation or Responding Agency Alarm Dispatch Cancellation is the process by which an Alarm Company providing Monitoring verifies with the Alarm User or responsible party that a false dispatch has occurred and that there is not an existing situation at the Alarm Site requiring law enforcement agency response.
(M) Conversion means the transaction or process by which one Alarm Company begins Monitoring of a previously unmonitored Alarm System or an Alarm System previously monitored by another Alarm Company.
(N) Duress Alarm means a silent Alarm System signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a life threatening situation or a crime in progress requiring law enforcement response.
(O) False Alarm means an Alarm Dispatch Request to a law enforcement agency, when the responding officer finds no evidence of a criminal offense or attempted criminal offense after having completed a timely investigation of the Alarm Site.
(P) Holdup Alarm means a silent alarm signal generated by the manual activation of a device intended to signal a robbery in progress.
(Q) Keypad means a device that allows control of an Alarm System by the manual entering of a coded sequence of numbers or letters.
(R) Law Enforcement Authority means the Commissioner, Superintendent, Sheriff, Chief of Police, director of a Law Enforcement Agency or an authorized representative.
(S) License means a License issued to an Alarm Company to sell, install, monitor, repair, or replace Alarm Systems by an authority having jurisdiction.
(T) Local Alarm System means any Alarm System that annunciates an alarm only by an internal or external audio device.
(U) Monitoring means the process by which an Alarm Company receives signals from an Alarm System and relays an Alarm Dispatch Request to the municipality for the purpose of summoning Law Enforcement response to the Alarm Site.

FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace     Revised 06/10/99 | Page 5 |
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