(A) The purpose of this ordinance is to encourage Alarm Users and Alarm Companies to properly use and maintain the operational effectiveness and proper utilization of Alarm Systems and to reduce or eliminate False Alarms which may unduly divert law enforcement from responding to criminal activity.
(B) This ordinance governs systems intended to summon law enforcement response, and requires registration, establishes fees, provides for penalties for violations, establishes a system of administration, and sets conditions for suspension or loss of registration.
In this ordinance:
(A) Advisory Board means Persons designated by a governing authority that should be representative of the community, alarm industry, and law enforcement. The Advisory Board should review and recommend False Alarm reduction efforts and report to the governing authority (city council, county board, etc.).
(B) Alarm Administrator means a Person or Persons designated by the governing authority to administer, control and review False Alarm reduction efforts.
(C) Alarm Company means the business, by an individual, partnership, corporation or other entity of selling, leasing, maintaining, servicing, repairing, altering, replacing, moving, installing or Monitoring an Alarm System in an Alarm Site.
(D) Alarm Dispatch Request means a notification to a law enforcement agency that an alarm, either manual or automatic has been activated at a particular Alarm Site.
(E) Alarm Registration (or Permits) means the notification by an Alarm Company or an Alarm User to the Alarm Administrator that an Alarm System has been installed and is in use.
(F) Alarm Review Board should consist of five members as follows: the Alarm Administrator, a dispatcher or other Person appointed by the Law Enforcement Authority, a local Alarm Company representative appointed by either NBFAA or a local alarm association and two (2) members of the public at large, appointed by the governing authority to deal with conflicts/disputes that cannot be resolved at a lower level.
(G) Alarm Site means a single fixed premises or location served by an Alarm System or systems. Each tenancy, if served by a separate Alarm System in a multi-tenant building or complex shall be considered a separate Alarm Site.
(H) Alarm System means a device or series of devices, including, but not limited to, systems interconnected with a radio frequency method such as cellular or private radio signals, which emit or

FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace     Revised 06/10/99 | Page 4 |
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