

Criteria for Participation - con’t


Police and community officials were asked to:

  1. Accept at police or 911 dispatch centers only those requests, which involve a stated attempted verification by the alarm company excluding panic or hold-up type alarms.
  2. Implement a locally-predetermined procedure to restrict or suspend police response to chronic abusers of alarm systems, and implement procedures which allow resumption of police response after the imposed period of suspension and/or corrective action has been taken.
  3. Implement procedures to accept verified cancellation of dispatch requests from alarm companies.
  4. For chronic abusers, support user training by the alarm company and annual inspections of alarm systems.
  5. Support efforts to establish or strengthen statewide licensing of alarm companies and employees.
  6. Use the NBFAA Model Alarm Ordinance as a framework to develop steps to combat this problem in concert with local representatives of the alarm industry.
  7. Use a standardized data collection method.
  8. Commit to sharing all collected false alarm data with the industry.
  9. Help influence dealer participation by directly requesting their presence at joint meetings. (Meeting notice signed by the Chief)
  10. Help influence end-user participation or action as needed through letters, meetings, visits, etc.
  11. If alternative response was utilized, appropriate standards will be adopted for non- sworn responders.



Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches