
must render a decision within thirty (30) days after the request for an appeal hearing is filed. The Board shall affirm or reverse the assessment of the fine. The decision of the Board is final as to administrative remedies of the municipality.
(3) Filing of a request for appeal shall stay the action by the Alarm Administrator suspending a registration or requiring payment of a fine, until the Alarm Review Board has completed the review. If a request for appeal is not made within the twenty-day (20) period, the action of the Alarm Administrator is final.


(A)     A Person whose alarm response has been suspended may have alarm response reinstated by the Alarm Administrator or the Alarm Review Board if the Person has abided by one or more of the following:

(1) submits an updated application and the registration fee;
(2) pays, or otherwise resolves, all citations and fines;
(3) submits a certification from an Alarm Company, that complies with the requirements of this article, stating that the Alarm System has been inspected and repaired (if necessary) by the Alarm Company;
(4) payment of a municipality inspection and reinstatement fee of $50.
And one or more of the following, if applicable:
(1) submits proof that an employee of the Alarm Company caused the False Alarm;
(2) files with the Alarm Administrator, a certificate showing that the Alarm User has successfully completed the Alarm User Awareness Class as provided under Section 6 (E);
(3) files with the Alarm Administrator a written statement from a municipality alarm inspector designated by the Law Enforcement Authority that the alarm or Alarm System has been inspected and found to be in good working order or repaired so as to be in good working order;


Enforcement of this ordinance may be by civil action as provided in ( * ), and/or by criminal prosecution, as provided in ( * ) for offenses under municipal law.

* Reference appropriate section of your municipal code.


Information contained in registration application and applications for appeals shall be held in confidence by all employees or representatives of the municipality and by any third-party administrator or employees of a third-party administrator with access to such information.


FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace         Revised 06/10/99Page 14