

(A)     An Alarm User shall be subject to fines, warnings and suspension or revocation of registration depending on the number of False Alarms emitted from an Alarm System within a 12-month period from the date of registration or renewal based upon the following schedule:

# of False Alarms Fines
1 0
2 $50*
3 $100*
4 or more $200*(each)

* While we have recommended fees throughout the Model, Registration fees and fines should be determined on a local basis. Please call FARA, NBFAA and your state alarm association for sample registration fee and fine schedules that are used by other jurisdictions that are similar to yours.

(B)     In addition, any Person, operating a non-registered Alarm System (whether suspended or never acquired) will be subject to a citation and assessment of a $200 fine for each False Alarm, in addition to any other fines.

(C)     An Alarm User shall have the option of attending an Alarm User Awareness Class in lieu of paying one prescribed fine.

(D)     If Cancellation occurs prior to law enforcement arriving at the scene, this is not a False Alarm for the purpose of fines and no fines will be assessed.

(E)     The Alarm Company shall be issued a civil citation if the officer responding to the False Alarm determines that an on site employee of the Alarm Company directly caused the False Alarm. In this situation this will not be counted against the Alarm User.

(F)     The Alarm Company can be issued a civil citation for failure to Verify if the Alarm Administrator determines the existence of a consistent pattern or written policy against verification.

(G)     The Alarm Company can be fined if the Alarm Administrator determines that an Alarm Company employee made a false statement concerning the inspection of an Alarm Site or the performance of an Alarm System.


(A)     The Alarm Administrator may suspend alarm response if it is determined that:
(1) the Alarm User has four (4) or more False Alarms in one (1) year; or
(2) there is a false statement of a material fact in the application for a registration; or
(3) the Alarm User has failed to make timely payment of a fine assessed under Section 7 or fee assessed under Section 3.
(4) the Alarm User has failed to submit a written certification from an Alarm Company, that complies with the requirements of this article, stating that the Alarm System has been inspected and repaired (if necessary) by the Alarm Company.


FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace         Revised 06/10/99Page 12