
(1) the name, complete address (including apt/suite #), and telephone numbers of the Person who will be the registration holder and be responsible for the proper maintenance and operation of the Alarm System and payment of fees assessed under this article;
(2) the classification of the Alarm Site as either residential (includes condo, mobile home, etc), commercial or apartment;
(3) for each Alarm System located at the Alarm Site, the classification of the Alarm System, i.e., burglary, Holdup, Duress, or other, for each purpose whether audible or silent;
(4) mailing address if different from the Alarm Site;
(5) any dangerous or special conditions present at the Alarm Site;
(6) name and telephone numbers of at least two individuals who are able and have agreed to receive notification of an alarm activation at any time; respond to the Alarm Site within 30 minutes; and upon request can grant access to the Alarm Site and deactivate the Alarm System if such becomes necessary;
(7) type of business conducted at the Alarm Site;
(8) signed certification from the Alarm User stating:
(a)the date of installation, Conversion or Takeover of the Alarm System, whichever is applicable;
(b)the name, address, and phone number of the Alarm Company performing the Alarm System installation, Conversion or Alarm System Takeover and responsible for providing repair service to the Alarm System:
(c)the phone number of the Alarm Company Monitoring the Alarm System if different from the installing Alarm Company;
(d)that a set of written operating instructions for the Alarm System, including written guidelines on how to avoid false alarms, have been left with the applicant; and
(e)that the Alarm Company has trained the applicant in proper use of the Alarm System, including instructions on how to avoid false alarms.
(9) that Law Enforcement response may be based on factors such as: availability of police units, priority of calls, weather conditions, traffic conditions, emergency conditions, staffing levels, etc.

(E)     Any false statement of a material fact made by an applicant for the purpose of obtaining an alarm registration shall be sufficient cause for refusal to issue a registration.


FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace         Revised 06/10/99Page 7