The attached Model Security Burglar Alarm Ordinance has been prepared as a joint effort between the False Alarm Reduction Association (FARA) and the National Burglar & Fire Alarm Association (NBFAA). The FARA is an organization comprised of law enforcement officials from across the United States and Canada, who administer and implement False Alarm reduction programs. The NBFAA is an alarm industry association that promotes electronic security and life safety in the United States.
Both the FARA and the NBFAA strongly believe that false alarm reduction should be a cooperative effort among all parties involved, i.e., the alarm industry, law enforcement, and the Alarm User. To that end, we strongly suggest that before attempting to implement any ordinance designed to reduce the incidence of False Alarms, that your municipality form an Alarm Advisory Board. The Alarm Advisory Board should have representation by the alarm industry, law enforcement, community and business groups, and any other entity that has a stake in the reduction of False Alarms. We believe that the Alarm Advisory Board represents a fundamental step in the development and implementation of a good, effective False Alarm reduction ordinance. It fosters cooperative relations and provides every group with ownership of the final product.
This model ordinance is based on a registration system with appropriate controls to facilitate False Alarm reduction. It contains law enforcement control and administration, Alarm Company responsibilities, and requires the disciplined use of Alarm Systems by Alarm Users.
While we have recommended fees throughout the Model, Registration fees and fines should be determined on a local basis. Please call FARA, NBFAA and your state alarm association for sample registration fee and fine schedules that are used by other jurisdictions that are similar to yours.
PLEASE NOTE: This model ordinance is intended to serve as a BASE FRAMEWORK for both law enforcement and the alarm industry. It contains features that have been proven to reduce False Alarms. It is important that the model be reviewed carefully before endorsing or recommending that it be adopted either in part or in its entirety. There may be aspects of the model that will pose potential problems in your locale and you may decide that those characteristics should not be included in your local burglar alarm ordinance. As the model ordinance is intended for use as a guide, it is a working draft, subject to changing times, designed to help you successfully develop and implement a good security alarm ordinance.
FARA/NBFAA Model Burglar Alarm Ordinace     Revised 06/10/99 | Page 2 |
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