Letter Index

Puyallup Police Department
311 West Pioneer Avenue
Puyallup, Washington 98371
Tel. (206)841-5415

Transmission by Fax

15 December, 1998

SUBJECT: Support of the False Alarm Reduction Program

Stan Martin, VP Govt. Relations
ADI, Inc.
Fax: (972) 488-8122

Dear Stan,

I have been talking to John Wurner, The Washington State False Alarm coordinator. I wanted to drop you a line advising you how valuable his services have been to local law enforcement and the alarm industry here in Washington.

Now that we are drawing close to the end of this phase of our project I believe that it is important that I re-state my support for the continuation of the False Alarm agenda. Attached is a resolution that we took to the Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs stating their support for continuation also. There have been so many good steps taken to build a better relationship between law enforcement and the alarm industry community. We hope that you will be able to continue to spearhead the effort.


Lockheed D. Reader
Chief of Police
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs

File: A2215
Cc: John Wurner

Letter Index

Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches