International Association of Chiefs of Police
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Security Devises (MSD) Work Group. Ten years ago we would have waited for the "crash" between public / private interests before dealing with the issue. Without the work of the Private Sector Liaison Committee (PSLC) AIREF, CSAA, NBFAA, & SIA there would be little basis for trust in addressing what promises to be a very difficult issue - cross jurisdictional alarm responses to MSD's.
As you prepare for 1999, I know I reflect the feelings of the active police officials who have worked to make this project successful. There are many other more pressing public safety issues that confront police CEO's. One needs but view the local news in any area of our country. My hope is that you and your superiors in the Alarm Industry understand the strategic point at which we stand. I believe they do. I also believe they can appreciate how much more successful we have been with our public/private agenda on alarm reduction than with such issues as drugs, gangs, child abuse and domestic violence, just to name a few. We can get our arms around this problem together.
You deserve considerable credit for these achievements because you are trusted on both sides of the issue. That is an enviable condition. Let's take every advantage of the results and goodwill the past two years have brought us into 1999 and beyond. Thank you for your review of these observations.
Michael G. Shanahan
Co-Chair, PSLC
International Association of Chiefs of Police
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MODEL STATES REPORT Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches | |
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