
Coordinator Hiring Process

1. Start process after participating cities are confirmed.
2. Assign Interview team: include Stan, State Assn rep., SACOP rep - REVIEW:
a. Pay rate for the area
b. Start date for coordinator
c. Special needs/considerations for the state
3. Determine Office location - SACOP to supply - No relocation expense.
4. Submit information(above) to AIREF Chair for approval
5. Solicit Applications: (Disclose EEO)
a. State Association
    1) Meetings - membership/board
    2) Newsletter
b. National Assn.’s members - newsletter
c. Trade publications
d. Other Professional Organizations - NAM, ASAE(only if needed)
6. Review/Screen Initial applications - Stan Only.
7. Select site for interviews - PD- Hotel?
8. Notify applicants - summary/dates to interview team
9. Prepare some standard questions based on criteria from the job description
a. Documents required item 10 below
b. Computer skills
c. Effort to determine personality
d. Etc, etc.
10. Provide written documents to applicant defining:
a. Duties...
b. Travel requirements
c. Non-disclosure form
d. Probability of limited term employment
e. Disclosure pilot program subject to change
f. Program goals - general
11. Interview candidates - share documents above.
12. Team - review & select 1st & 2nd choices
13. Contact references - utilize form for consistency
14. Forward results to team - reconvene by phone if necessary
15. Forward recommendation/salary to AIREF Chair for final authorization
16. Make offer by phone & letter - copy to AIREF Chair
17. Letter confirming acceptance w/employment forms - notify team/NBFAA
18. Order phone lines - NBFAA/AIREF name
19. Purchase necessary equipment - budget preapproved AIREF Chair
20. 2-3 day training of applicant - by Stan - in Dallas
21. Start daily tasks as indicated by job detail.


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