
Port St Lucie PD Profile


The first meeting with the three agencies occurred in December of 1997 when we met and flushed out the parameters for the joint ordinance. At that time the County Legal Advisor indicated that by January of 98 a rough ordinance would be ready for discussion.

The rough draft was not delivered until October 1998. The changes discussed at that meeting were presented for discussion in March of 1999. There will be at least one more meeting to flush out additional changes.

Of the three agencies, Port St. Lucie stayed in communication and began working worst offenders. A dealer meeting was held in December of 1998 at Port St Lucie Police Department. 75 alarm companies were invited to the dealer meeting, 9 dealers attended.

By working worst offenders Port St. Lucie is currently 13% lower in false alarms for 1999 over 1998.

When the ordinance is finally passed and all three agencies are enforcing it there will undoubtedly be reductions in the false alarms.


Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches
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