Coral Gables PD Profile
When the City of Coral Gables decided to strengthen their existing ordinance the task was turned over to an assistant to the City Manager.
After several meetings with staff the revised ordinance was passed. The new ordinance allows for the offsetting of fines by attendance in an alarm user class.
The new ordinance has been in place since January 1, 1999. There has not been enough time to gage how effective the changes will be in reducing false alarms.
The first alarm users school was held in January with 19 people attending. The class was very well received.
Coral Gables has decided that all that the Police will do as far as false alarms is to respond and notify Code Enforcement of the false alarms. All other activities, billing, notification, hearings, etc will be handled by Code Enforcement.
Coral Gables is unique in that it is an upscale community with a large Code
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MODEL STATES REPORT Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches | |
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