Essential Elements:
We recommend passing ordinances with best practices and elements specified above for the purpose of mandating corrective action by the end user through their alarm service provider. The NBFAA-FARA Model Ordinance included in this report is an excellent template that most agencies in this project utilized.
We saw remarkable compliance by alarm dealers in Washington State with corresponding dispatch reductions before ordinances were changed! We are encouraged by the actions of this group of dealers. By addressing issues with their worst customers promptly, nine of their cities were in the top ten with highest reductions! The cooperation between Law Enforcement and the Alarm Industry in Washington was unsurpassed!
Cities with previous dispatch reduction experience may not yield as high of reductions in subsequent efforts. Once the "worst offenders" have been corrected the next level of reductions will be more of a challenge, particularly when you get down to one or two dispatches per location per year. Two of the cities that supported this project: Elgin, IL and Bellevue, WA were previously in the Model Cities effort.
In Conclusion - We believe that reducing false dispatches is and will be an ongoing effort. There can be no let-up in ordinance enforcement and dealer corrective action or certainly the trend will reverse back to yearly increases. The alarm dealer must take a proactive approach in targeting their worst customers. Law enforcement must be a part of the process. Continued end-user training and education by all parties is essential. Installing new equipment meeting the new ANSI approved SIA Control Panel Standard and retrofitting older systems should be considered in future ordinance changes.
It is our sincere hope that you will find the following information useful. The opinions and observations were based on evaluation of the project data for the 28 cities that furnished the required information, combined with the experience of all four coordinators and the national coordinator. This report was reviewed prior to its release by the IACP ?Private Sector Liaison Committee.
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MODEL STATES REPORT Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches | |
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