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Over the past several years, as a strong proponent of false dispatch reductions and the national coordinator for this project I have traveled from coast to coast and met with over a thousand different law enforcement agencies, worked on committees and worked with local, state and national associations. I can honestly say this project has been the most demanding and the most rewarding of my career and it would have not been possible without the support, encouragement and efforts of many?

First and foremost, I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to work on such a project that associated me with so many fine individuals. I thank my lovely wife Marti and my children for enduring my travel schedule and absence from the home. My utmost appreciation for my employer ADI, Steve Roth & Joe Cappelletti for their financial support and overall commitment to this issue and the alarm industry; and the Pittway Corporation, Leo Guthart for his generous donation of time, energy and moral support. To Bob Ohm who chaired the AIREF False Alarm Coalition (all the North America associations) I say, "Well Done!" for sorting through the politics and enduring dozens of two-hours plus of teleconference calls needed to make this all happen.

My sincerest thanks to Mike Shanahan, who co-chairs the IACP/Private Sector Liaison Committee for his incredible foresight, leadership and dedication in forging ahead with this partnership between the public and private sector; along with Chief Loc Reader, Puyallup PD, who headed up the IACP/SACOP organization that provided the public sector support for this project, and the "Model State" law enforcement liaisons - Chief Mike Brasfield, Fort Lauderdale PD; Chief Lee Kutzke, Lombard PD; Chief Charles Brobeck, Irvine PD; and to the rest of the IACP/PSLC False Alarm Subcommittee and alarm industry individuals and associations:

IACP/PSLC False Alarm Sub-Committee

Arolla, Charlie - Chief Santa Clara PD

Brasfield, Mike - Chief Ft Lauderdale PD

Conium, Len - Toronto PD

Doyle, Steve - Executive Director, CSAA

Fague, Tony C. - ADT (retired)

Glasscock, Bruce - VP IACP

Higginbotham, Charles - IACP Director

Houper, Charlie - Chemung Co, NY, Sheriff

Martin, Stan - ADI

Mowrey, Glen - Charlotte-Mecklenburg PD

Ohm, Bob - Westec/Edison & AIREF

Prunk, Bruce - Portland Police Bureau

Rea, Patti - Alarm Mgr, Phoenix PD

Reader, Lockheed - Chief Puyallup, WA

Seamon, Tom - Univ. of Pennsylvania

Shanahan, Mike - Ret Chief UW

Shipp, Brad - Executive Director, NBFAA

Spiller, Ron - Executive Director, SIA

Sweeney, Tom - Chief Bridgeport, CT, PD

Wankel, Doug - Atlas Air Inc.

Continued - Next page...


Best Practices in Reducing False Dispatches
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